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Tell Lawmakers: Vote No on HB 2853, a “Point of Sale Rebate” Bill that Will Cost Oklahomans Million in Increased Health Care Costs
HB 2853 would mandate and encourage a practice known as “point of sale rebates” in pharmaceutical sales. Point-of-sale rebates benefit roughly 3 to 5 percent of Oklahomans who receive rebates for (usually expensive) brand name drugs when they purchase them at their pharmacy. Unfortunately, those rebates are paid for by the other 95 percent of insured Oklahomans, whose insurance premiums rise to help subsidize the cost of these rebates. By encouraging point-of-sale rebates, HB 2853 isn’t reducing health care costs; it is shifting the cost burden away from a minority of Oklahomans and onto everyone else.
Click below to send your lawmaker an email asking them to vote NO on HB 2853.
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